How TCF Helped DuoVox Ultra Raise $1.2M on Kickstarter (Part II)

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How TCF Helped DuoVox Ultra Raise $1.2M on Kickstarter (Part II)


How TCF Helped DuoVox Ultra Raise $1.2M on Kickstarter (Part II)

The success of the Duovox Ultra Kickstarter campaign is not just luck or coincidence. It’s a testament to the power of strategic planning, rigorous execution, and an unwavering commitment to our mission. From understanding our target audience’s needs to creating a compelling narrative around our product, we thoughtfully orchestrated every step to resonate with potential backers.

Our dedicated team worked tirelessly to build a comprehensive marketing strategy that fused creative storytelling with data-driven insights. We sought to evoke a sense of curiosity and excitement about the Duovox Ultra, presenting it as not just a product but an indispensable tool for night-time adventurers. This unique approach, combined with our compelling visuals and well-crafted messaging, helped us bridge the gap between the brand and our audience, ultimately realizing our campaign goals.

Crafting Reward Tiers: A Strategic Approach to Drive Early Backer Engagement

Having the right product pricing strategy is pivotal for any crowdfunding campaign. It serves as a determining factor for potential backers, influencing their decision to invest in the project. When matched or exceeded by its price point, the perceived value of a product can create a compelling reason for backers to support the campaign.

Understanding this, we devised several reward tiers to captivate and incentivize our early backers. Firstly, we introduced a super early bird offer for the DuoVox Ultra at a significant 67% discount. This offer’s main message was to reward quick decision-making and provoke immediate action.

Furthermore, we provided a comprehensive DuoVox Ultra Full Bundle, offering even more value for backers willing to invest more. Lastly, an irresistible super deal featuring two units of the DuoVox Ultra was created to maximize the perceived value and to encourage sharing within backers’ networks.

These meticulously crafted Kickstarter reward structures were not just price points but strategic tools that boosted engagement and catalyzed additional campaign funds generation. Notably, our most popular reward tier was the alluring $129 Super Early Bird offer, followed by the Full Bundle and the Super Deal. This strategic tier system motivated our backers to invest more, igniting a ripple effect of enthusiasm within their networks, significantly bolstering the overall triumph of our campaign.

Leveraging Targeted Advertising for Broad Reach

In our pursuit to connect with potential customers, the strategic use of targeted advertising became an integral part of our overall campaign. For the Duovox Ultra, we crafted a balanced mix of social media and search engine advertisements, ensuring we optimally reached our key audiences.

Our Facebook advertisements were designed with a clear focus on night-time activities like hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventures, highlighting how Duovox Ultra could substantially enhance these experiences. We prioritized our target audience – initially, night-time hunters, followed by outdoor explorers, and then campers. Consequently, our visuals and messaging were tailored to resonate with these groups.

Below are some of our best-performing ad visuals:

The first visual features a man immersed in the wilderness with the text “Your inner hunger needs it,” skillfully tapping into the primal urge for exploration and adventure that our product caters to. It evoked a sense of curiosity and excitement, prompting the viewer to learn more about how the Duovox Ultra could enhance their outdoor experience.

The second visual, showcasing a deer in the background with a man in the foreground and the text “Say goodbye to greenish night vision footage,” directly addressed a common pain point for our audience – the lackluster quality of traditional night vision equipment. This resonated with potential backers who had previously been dissatisfied with their night vision gear, presenting Duovox Ultra as the superior solution they had been seeking.

A significant chunk of our advertising success can be attributed to the creative assets we leveraged:

  • 360-degree view
  • Packaging
  • Operation modes
  • Unique features

Notably, our unboxing video proved to be a highly effective tool, driving over $50,000 in conversions. By showcasing the product’s 360-degree view, packaging, operation modes, and unique features, we effectively communicated the product’s value to our audience.

This strategy worked so well primarily because it was engaging and gave the audience a realistic view of the product. By linking this strategic advertising approach with our previously mentioned reward tiers, we created a synergistic effect that boosted our campaign’s success and helped us exceed our crowdfunding goal.

The Power of PR: A Strategic Pillar of Success

Imagine you’re planning a super cool party. You wouldn’t just sit quietly and hope people show up. You’d tell everyone about it, excited them to come. That’s precisely what we did with the Duovox Ultra’s Kickstarter campaign.

We created a buzz by spreading the news about our fantastic new night vision monocular. This attracted more and more people to our Kickstarter page. We then kept reminding our page visitors of ourselves, like saying, “Hey, remember that cool party?!”

It’s not just about making sales right away, but about creating awareness and excitement and then reminding people to come join in. This approach helped make our campaign successful!

We targeted high-impact media outlets to generate publicity and maximize our reach. Our PR team implemented an innovative referral strategy that amplified our outreach and brought the campaign to the attention of a wider audience. The team worked tirelessly, securing coverage from major outlets and raising approximately $144K during the campaign due to a unique approach that offered an increased affiliate link percentage.

This strategic PR approach and our paid media efforts resulted in over 100 media coverages and $144,420 in direct conversions.

We were featured in major media outlets like SonyAlphaRumors, PetaPixel, New Atlas, Uncrate, and Werd, among other targeted blogs.

Moreover, the benefits of our PR activities extend beyond immediate results. The widespread media coverage drove organic traffic to our Kickstarter campaign and indicated to Kickstarter that our campaign was generating substantial interest. Consequently, this led to an organic boost from the platform, attracting backers from within the Kickstarter community.

Achieving High Rankings on Kickstarter’s Discovery Page

Our campaign shot up high on Kickstarter’s discovery page in no time. That’s a particular page where people can discover new and exciting projects. This made more people see our product and, as a result, more people supported us!

One of our most noteworthy achievements during the DuoVox Ultra campaign was receiving the “Project We Love” badge from Kickstarter – it shows that we did an excellent job! This badge made our campaign look legit, and more people noticed us, making people trust us and want to support our project. Guess what? Kickstarter ended up being the most significant help in getting people to back our campaign, with about 900 of them coming from there! So yeah, getting that “Project We Love” badge was like getting the best high five ever!

Our success underscores the significance of a well-prepared and robust campaign strategy that resonates with Kickstarter’s user base and algorithm. Our experience demonstrates the vital role of strategic preparation and the impact of platform-specific recognition in driving a campaign’s success.

Backer Communities & Newsletters

Backer communities and paid newsletters serve as valuable resources for any crowdfunding campaign. They help build an engaged audience and provide a crucial channel to maintain communication with existing and potential supporters.

Backer communities are filled with individuals who love supporting new projects, making them an excellent target audience. Paid newsletters allow us to reach a broader and more diverse pool of potential backers, increasing our campaign’s visibility. Moreover, they permit us to share updates, milestones, and exciting news about our project, fostering community and keeping our backers invested in our journey.

We effectively extended our reach by focusing on and engaging with these communities and newsletters beyond Kickstarter. Regular updates, highlight features, and engaging content kept the interest of these communities alive, encouraging their active participation in our campaign. This approach significantly boosted our campaign’s success and even helped us raise an additional $90,000. The results underscore the substantial value these communities and newsletters hold as resources in successful crowdfunding strategies.

The Duovox Ultra campaign serves as a valuable case study for crowdfunding success, underlining the potency of customer feedback, targeted marketing, and strategic alliances.

Collaborate Crowdfunding

Remember, the power to create phenomenal products and drive them to success lies in strategic planning, relentless execution, and an unwavering belief in the vision. After all, our success with the Duovox Ultra campaign was not a stroke of luck – it resulted from a well-planned strategy and sustained efforts from an incredibly dedicated team. Let this serve as motivation for your projects and campaigns. Forge your path, make your mark, and let’s continue to create, innovate, and succeed together.

Anna Voskanyan Copywriter

Anna Voskanyan

Anna is the Copy Team Lead at TCF and a content creator and manager with over 10 years of experience in a bunch of spheres.


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How DuoVox Ultra Raised $1.2 Million on Kickstarter (Part I)

How TCF Helped DuoVox Ultra Raise $1.2M on Kickstarter (Part II)
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