How TCF and YASHICA's Strategic Partnership Rocketed Funding Over $1M for YASHICA's First-ever Night Vision Device

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How TCF and YASHICA’s Strategic Partnership Rocketed Funding Over $1M for YASHICA’s First-ever Night Vision Device


How TCF and YASHICA’s Strategic Partnership Rocketed Funding Over $1M for YASHICA’s First-ever Night Vision Device

Part 1: Pre-Launch Strategies

Night vision technology has always fascinated technology enthusiasts and professionals in surveillance, wildlife observation, and even leisure activities like camping and hiking. The intersection of crowdfunding platforms with innovative tech has provided a unique avenue for companies to bring such cutting-edge devices directly to consumers, leveraging the power of community support to propel product development and market introduction.

YASHICA, a brand with a storied history in the photographic and imaging industry, has ventured into this exciting space with its first-ever night vision device, YASHICA Vision.

In collaboration with The Crowdfunding Formula (TCF), YASHICA embarked on a strategic campaign through Kickstarter to introduce this innovative product and secure the necessary funding and market validation.

Our case study will dissect the layers of this successful partnership, revealing the meticulously planned strategies and actions that rocketed funding to surpass the $1M milestone. Stay tuned as we uncover the keys to their crowdfunding success and the lessons learned along this remarkable journey.

First Impression Matters: Building the Landing Page for Lead Generation

The landing page serves as the digital storefront for any campaign, and for YASHICA Vision, the objective was crystal clear: captivate and convert visitors into subscribers or VIPs.

With YASHICA’s rich heritage and innovative products, the page needed to reflect both the legacy of the brand and the cutting-edge technology of the night vision device.

As itโ€™s a very visual product, the page focuses on showing the product in use from the very top of the page โ€” hunters, campers, and outdoor photographers.

yashica vision

This immediately captured the attention of visitors and showcased the product’s abilities.

We also made a concerted effort to ensure that anyone visiting our page was fully aware of the YASHICA legacy, a rich history spanning 75 years of innovation in the photographic and imaging industry. Recognizing the importance of this heritage, we incorporated a dedicated section on our landing page to celebrate YASHICA’s long-standing commitment to excellence and innovation. This not only served to instill confidence in our new product but also to connect with photography enthusiasts familiar with the YASHICA brand, reinforcing the trust and quality associated with our name. By highlighting our legacy, we aimed to bridge the gap between YASHICA’s pioneering past and its bold future in night vision technology.

yashica tech

Finally, we made sure that people who desired additional information about the product had ample resources at their disposal. To this end, we structured a comprehensive FAQ section at the bottom of our landing page that addressed a wide range of inquiriesโ€”from technical specifications and usage scenarios to warranty information and shipping logistics.ย 

Our lead generation model employed a strategic two-step approach.ย 

  1. Step 1 โ€” Subscriber Acquisition: In the first step, we captured general interest by inviting visitors to subscribe for updates and early-bird discounts on YASHICA Vision, allowing us to build a broad mailing list of potential customers.
  2. Step 2 โ€” VIP Conversion: The second step involved converting the most engaged subscribers into VIPs by asking them to make a small monetary commitment (reservation fee) in exchange for exclusive benefits like the largest available discount and priority shipping.

Our two-tiered method proved instrumental in cultivating a foundation of supporters who were not just passive observers but active participants in bringing YASHICA’s Vision to life.

Nurturing Leads and Fostering Community Growth

Following the initial lead generation through our landing page, the next phase was pivotal: nurturing leads and fostering a robust community. To achieve this, we employed precise email marketing strategies and built a dedicated social media presence for YASHICA Vision. Our clear objectives were to keep our audience engaged, cultivate a sense of belonging, and seamlessly transition subscribers from mere curiosity to becoming committed supporters.

Personalized Email Marketing Campaigns

We meticulously curated our email marketing campaigns to deliver value and engage our audience while continuously reinforcing trust in YASHICA’s innovative capabilities. Each email served a dual purpose: to update subscribers on the campaign’s milestones and progress and to educate them about night vision technology and YASHICA’s storied legacy.

Segmentation and Personalization

Our approach included segmenting our email lists based on subscription typeโ€”whether they were general subscribers or part of our VIP groupโ€”and their level of interaction with the campaign. This segmentation allowed us to deliver personalized content tailored to the specific interests of each segment. Subscribers received product specific emails, while VIP emails were purely about insights.ย ย ย 

yashica segmentation

Note: Data points are hidden due to confidentiality purpose

This differentiated approach was integral to our overall strategy for several reasons. Standard subscribers benefited from product-specific emails that provided detailed information about YASHICA Vision’s features, usability, and advantages. This educational content was designed to address any potential questions or concerns, paving the way for informed purchasing decisions. By keeping the focus on the product, we ensured that all subscribers had a thorough understanding of what made YASHICA Vision unique and why it was a valuable investment.

email marketing

On the other hand, VIP emails delved deeper into insights. The goal was to understand our audience better and who they were, what motivated them to invest in YASHICA Vision, and how their needs aligned with our product. This allowed us to build a deeper connection with our VIP community and tailor our offerings specifically for them, further solidifying their loyalty.

vip email marketing

We saw high interest in both types of content, with open rates ranging from 60 to almost 80 percent. Depending on the audience segment, click-through rates varied between 5 and 12 percent. These impressive metrics validated our strategy and demonstrated the effectiveness of tailored communication in maintaining subscriber engagement and driving interaction. By continuously monitoring these metrics, we could refine our approach, ensuring sustained interest and fostering a vibrant community centered around YASHICA Vision.

Building a Social Community Around YASHICA Vision

Simultaneously, we launched a new social media account specifically for YASHICA Vision, creating a platform where enthusiasts could gather, discuss, and share their excitement for night vision technology. This strategic decision was critical because the existing YASHICA social media presence primarily celebrated its historical connection to photography and traditional imaging techniques. Introducing a product as innovative and specialized as a night vision device required a unique approach to capture the right audience’s attention and engagement.

By creating a dedicated social media account for YASHICA Vision, we were able to tailor our content, conversations, and community-building efforts specifically around the night vision technology and its applications. This allowed us to not only attract a targeted group of enthusiasts and potential customers but also to create a space where discussions could be focused on the product’s unique features, uses, and technology behind it, without diluting the legacy content that existing YASHICA followers cherished.

Understanding the Audience

Throughout the progression of our lead generation, we embarked on a pivotal exercise of testing different audience segments to pinpoint the most effective groups for our marketing efforts. We meticulously analyzed the responses of various demographic, geographic, and interest-based segments through targeted landing page and social media ads.ย 

yashica ad audience

After a comprehensive review of the data (see visual below) we discovered that out of the numerous directions tested, 8 distinct groups emerged as notably responsive and engaged with our YASHICA Vision campaign.

yashica vision campaign

These top-performing groups not only demonstrated a higher level of interest and interaction but also provided valuable feedback that helped refine our approach. From seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to tech-savvy photographers eagerly seeking the latest innovations, these segments revealed a diverse yet focused audience pool. Their shared enthusiasm and engagement patterns were instrumental in shaping our subsequent marketing strategies, ensuring that we tailored our messaging, content, and offerings to resonate deeply with these identified groups. This strategic adjustment was not trivial; it was pivotal in amplifying our reach and effectiveness in connecting with the audience segments that were most likely to transition from curious observers to committed members of the YASHICA Vision community.

With a clear understanding of our top-performing audience segments and the strategies that resonated most with each, we began scaling our efforts to further amplify our reach and impact. This phase involved a multi-pronged approach, focusing on enhancing content, increasing engagement, and expanding our reach across various platforms.ย 

Increasing Sales through Smart Pricing

Our pricing strategy for YASHICA Vision evolved through careful testing and analysis to maximize both customer interest and revenue potential:

  • Initial VIP Offer: We started with an introductory price of $119 for VIP members, who paid a $5 reservation fee. This created significant interest among early supporters.
  • Price Adjustment: Recognizing the need to balance attractiveness with revenue potential in a competitive market, we tested a higher VIP price point of $139. This adjustment increased both average order value and overall sales.
  • Launch Price: After confirming the effectiveness of the $139 price point with our VIP audience, we confidently set this as the launch price for the general audience when we launched the campaign on Kickstarter.ย 

Part 2: Live Campaign Strategies

A successful product launch relies on the seamless coordination of several core components: a properly designed campaign page, an engaged community, pre-planned promotional activities, and strategic advertising.

We nailed the launch of YASHICA Vision because we meticulously aligned all these elements, ensuring that every component was well-executed. From our visually captivating and highly informative campaign page to our proactive engagement with the community and strategic marketing efforts, each aspect played a critical role in driving the success of our launch. This cohesive approach not only elevated our campaign during the first few days but ensure that we hitย  our $1 Million goal in record time.

Here is how we did it…

The Campaign Page: Highlighting Product and Story

Our Kickstarter campaign page was meticulously designed to capture and retain the viewer’s attention from the very first glance.

The page started with a bold statement: “See the night in all its glory.” This captivating headline immediately drew viewers in, highlighting the unparalleled value and innovation behind YASHICA Vision. It set the tone for the entire campaign, emphasizing the product’s ability to transform how users experience the night. By promising a revolutionary perspective on night vision, this statement resonated deeply with both technology enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers, compelling them to explore further and learn more about the groundbreaking capabilities of YASHICA Vision.

Yashica slogan

Following the product core statement we put the product visual, showing it from all sides. This visual allowed potential backers to instantly recognize the product’s features, aesthetics, and its unique value proposition. By presenting YASHICA Vision in a comprehensive 360-degree-like view, we aimed to provide a detailed visual experience.ย ย 

yashica camera

After that, we also added icons showcasing the key features the product has.ย  By incorporating these icons, we ensured that even viewers who were quickly skimming the page could understand the core strengths of the product, enhancing their overall comprehension and appreciation of YASHICA Vision.ย 

yashica features

The page started to immediately capture the essence and heritage of YASHICA while seamlessly introducing its groundbreaking new product. By opening with a strong acknowledgment of the brand’s 75-year legacy, we established credibility and trust, highlighting the company’s extensive history in crafting high-quality imaging devices.

This instantly assures potential backers of the product’s reliability and the brand’s expertise. Transitioning smoothly into the introduction of YASHICA Vision, the narrative aligns our rich history with our forward-thinking innovation, emphasizing the commitment to advancing technology. Highlighting the product’s features โ€“ like 4K UHD full-color imaging in low light and the 3-level IR illuminator for visibility up to 600 meters โ€“ immediately showcases its unique capabilities and value proposition.

This strategic start is designed to pique interest, evoke curiosity, and drive engagement, setting the stage for a compelling and informative campaign page. It aligns the product’s modern advancements with the timeless quality that YASHICA is known for, thus creating a powerful, cohesive message that resonates with both long-time fans and new enthusiasts.

Incorporating Video Content in the Page

Following the brand introduction was a rich, visually engaging section of videos. We focused on two types of videos: product showcases and product usage demonstrations.ย 

A key element of our video strategy was including YASHICA’s CEO in one of the videos. This decision was instrumental in building trust and credibility with our audience. By having the CEO personally present and demonstrate the YASHICA Vision, we were able to:

  • Humanize the brand: Putting a face to the company helped create a more personal connection with our backers.
  • Demonstrate commitment: The CEO’s involvement signaled the company’s strong belief in and commitment to the product.
  • Showcase expertise: It allowed us to highlight the depth of knowledge and passion behind the YASHICA Vision.
  • Build trust: Seeing the CEO confidently handle and explain the product increased credibility and reassured potential backers about the product’s quality.

yashica owner video

As the device is also a camera, it was crucial for us to display its performance capabilities. We included videos demonstrating how the night vision device captures high-quality footage, both with the IR illuminator and in full color.ย 

campaign video

These video effectively communicated the product’s real-world functionality and superior imaging quality in low-light conditions.

At some point, we thought that maybe the videos at the top of the campaign page were not as effective as we initially believed, prompting us to remove some of them or change their placements.

As a result, we observed a drop in conversion rates from 3 to 5 percent on average. This unexpected outcome underscored the importance of video content in engaging our audience and driving conversions.

The videos played a crucial role in showcasing the product’s capabilities, and altering their positioning disrupted the narrative flow and reduced the overall impact of the page. This insight reaffirmed the necessity of strategic visual storytelling in our marketing efforts.

Smart Reward Strategies and Bundles

To maximize customer engagement and increase average order value, we implemented several strategic approaches beyond our base pricing.ย 

At the checkout stage, we introduced a variety of add-on options for customers to select. This approach allowed us to provide more value and customization options for our backers. By offering these additional items, we were able to cater to diverse customer needs while simultaneously increasing the overall order value.

  • Provided more value and customization options for backers
  • Increased the overall order value
  • Enhanced the product experience for customers

To further incentivize higher spending, we developed smart reward strategies centered around product bundles. These bundles combined the base YASHICA Vision with exclusive accessories and additional features, compelling customers to opt for higher-priced packages. We carefully crafted these offerings to appeal to different customer segments, effectively creating a tiered reward system.

yashica rewards

By providing more value and options in their YASHICA Vision purchase, we created a win-win situation: customers received a product package tailored to their needs. At the same time, our campaign benefited from increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Engaging the Early Subscribers

Our initial thrust and backing came from those we classified as VIPs and Leads, a testament to the success of our nuanced email and social media marketing strategies designed to warm up these key segments while maintaining open lines of communication. This targeted approach ensured robust support during the initial launch phase. In the first three to four days alone, we saw an impressive $300,000 in contributions, a milestone that underscored the high level of engagement from our VIP supporters.

kickstarter yashica

Email Marketing: Direct and Personalized Communication

Emails played a pivotal role in our strategy, allowing us to deliver targeted messages directly to our VIPs and Leads. We crafted personalized emails that highlighted the unique benefits of the YASHICA Vision and included exclusive early-bird offers to incentivize action. Each email was meticulously timed and tailored, ensuring that our messages resonated with the recipient’s interests and needs. Our use of detailed analytics enabled us to track engagement and adjust our content dynamically, fostering a strong, ongoing connection with our audience.

WhatsApp Communication: Instant and Personal Engagement

WhatsApp emerged as an invaluable channel for real-time communication with our VIPs and Leads. We used this platform to send quick updates, respond to queries, and share exclusive content, creating a sense of immediacy and personal touch.

The convenience and accessibility of WhatsApp allowed us to maintain open lines of communication, addressing any concerns and building trust with our potential backers. This direct interaction was instrumental in reinforcing our message and keeping our community informed and engaged throughout the early days of the campaign.

This multi-channel approach ensured that we remained connected with our VIPs and Leads, fostering a supportive and engaged community that played a crucial role in the early success of our campaign.

Introducing A Launch Day Only Offer

To further incentivize early support from our audience and not only, we introduced a launch day only offer that provided a complimentary mini tripod to backers who pledged within the first 24 hours of the campaign.

We made sure that our core audience was properly communicated about this offer in advance, through our email and social media marketing efforts. This created a sense of urgency and exclusivity around the launch day, driving even higher engagement and support from our audience.

But this was not all, as the offer was universally accessible, we made sure it was visible on our campaign page, creating even more buzz and excitement around the launch day. This resulted in a significant spike in contributions within the first 24 hours, with many backers taking advantage of this limited-time offer.

campaign cta

This launch day-only offer not only boosted the initial success of our campaign but also created a sense of trust and appreciation

This limited-time offer not only encouraged immediate action but also created a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving the initial surge in contributions on launch day.

Collaborative Launch Strategy With Backer Communities

The importance of backer communities cannot be understated. Their initial and well-planned collaboration throughout the first few days of the launch can significantly boost the campaign. These communities provide a ready audience of tech-savvy individuals who value innovation and are eager to support new projects. By nurturing these relationships and ensuring transparent, continuous communication, we not only secured their financial support but also benefited from their word-of-mouth promotion, which is invaluable in the crowded crowdfunding landscape.

Aiming for a grand launch, we partnered with GadgetFlow and several backer communities, leveraging their platforms to amplify campaign visibility during the initial days. This collaborative effort yielded impressive results: $21,298 in revenue within just the first four days, demonstrating the efficacy of our launch promotions and collaborative marketing strategies. Leveraging the power of community engagement and strategic partnerships proved instrumental in the initial success of our campaign.

Promotions via the Pledgebox newsletter not only provided a substantial boost, raising $53,000, but also significantly expanded our reach. Collaborations with platforms like GadgetFlow and Yanko Design further enhanced visibility, adding an additional $10,000 in sales. This comprehensive strategy underscored the importance of harnessing diverse marketing avenues.

Backer communities played a pivotal role in our launch strategy. These early adopters and enthusiastic supporters are not just contributors but also ambassadors who amplify our message and bring additional backers to the fold. By engaging with these communities well in advance of the launch, we were able to build anticipation, gather feedback, and refine our messaging to resonate even more strongly.

In summary, the strategic use of backer communities, integrated with targeted promotional efforts through respected platforms, created a multiplier effect that propelled our campaign to early success. This multi-faceted approach, blending personalized engagement with broad-reaching partnerships, laid a solid foundation for sustained momentum throughout our campaign.

Strategic Collaborations and Media Endorsement Boost

Following our strategic collaborations with backer communities and notable features on ProductHunt and GadgetFlow, our campaign momentum continued to escalate. The endorsement from these platforms not only solidified YASHICA Vision’s presence in the tech arena but also converted into significant sales, bringing a combined total of over $27,000.

Our campaign was further invigorated by a feature in TechRadar, a leading technology review site, which alone contributed to $41,200 in sales for the week. This accolade was paralleled by our active engagement in cross-promotions and a strategic emphasis on brand credibility.

The campaign’s visibility and credibility received further boosts through our first media reviews and influencer endorsements. Among them, a feature by The Gadgeteer, renowned for its in-depth tech product analyses, underscored the distinct value proposition of YASHICA Vision, enhancing its appeal to tech enthusiasts.

yashica pr campaign

Achieving a Significant Milestone and Gathering Insights

On the eighth day of our live campaign, we achieved a remarkable milestone with 1500+ backers, contributing to over $300k in revenue. This feat placed us well above the average success rate on Kickstarter, highlighting the exceptional support and enthusiasm from our backer community.

To deepen our understanding of this vibrant community, we initiated a backer survey, seeking insights into their preferences and expectations.ย 

Recognizing the importance of incentivizing participation, we offered a complimentary SD Card reader, a practical accessory likely to appeal to our audience. This gesture not only demonstrated our appreciation for their support but also significantly increased survey participation rates.Our communication approach was carefully crafted to engage and inspire action, leading with the incentive to capture attention and underscore the value of their feedback:

“Hey there, your support means the world to us, and we’re reaching out with a quick request. We are giving you a FREE SD Card reader with your order in exchange for your valuable insights. Please spare a moment to fill out a brief 6-7-question survey…”

The response was overwhelming, with over 1100 backers sharing their thoughts.ย 

These responses provided valuable feedback on various aspects of our campaign, from product features to communication methods. By actively listening to our backers, we were able to identify areas of improvement and further tailor our messaging and product offerings.ย 

This open dialogue reinforced the sense of community, making our backers feel integral to the projectโ€™s success and fostering a deeper connection.

Addressing the Backer Feedback after the Survey

Our commitment to understanding and engaging with our backer community led to a comprehensive survey initiative. This survey revealed invaluable insights into the specific needs and pain points of our backers. For example, we discovered that some backers, particularly farmers, needed night vision for property monitoring. The insight allowed us to tailor our content and offerings to address these unique use cases.ย 

For example, in our promotional efforts, we recognized a significant gap in our interaction with backersโ€”many felt disconnected due to the lack of visible team involvement. This critical feedback prompted us to take decisive action to bridge this gap.

Introducing the Faces Behind YASHICA Vision

To address the feeling of disconnection among our backers, we introduced them to key members of our team.

Kondo, the CEO of YASHICA, shoot a short video that was shared across our page and advertisements. His message aimed to address and alleviate concerns regarding the brand and the team behind it. This personal touch fortified trust and resulted in 15 conversions, valued at $2,439.56.

yashica ceo video

Additionally, Amy, the marketing and product development manager at YASHICA, created and shared a personal video introduction of YASHICA Vision. Her video offered a behind-the-scenes look at the product’s unique features and development process, significantly bolstering trust and engagement among potential customers.

influencer video

This strategic move significantly bolstered trust and engagement among potential customers, creating a more intimate connection with our brand.

Showcasing YASHICA Vision in Action

In addition to Amy’s video, we released two new dynamic showcase videos of YASHICA Vision in action. These videos were prominently featured on our campaign page, providing visual evidence of the product’s capabilities. This tactic aimed to maximize engagement through visual storytelling, highlighting the product’s functionality in realistic settings.

yashica feature description

In under a few hours we ended up with stunning results:ย 

reel stats

Leveraging Media Coverage for Credibility

Understanding the importance of third-party endorsements, we incorporated media coverage quotes and highlights directly onto our campaign page. This addition enhanced our credibility and attracted attention from a wider audience. Over the period of the entire campaign we ended up having XX+ media coverages from everywhere.ย 

media coverage

Addressing Community Inquiries with a FAQ Video

To address recurring inquiries and clear any uncertainties, Amy recorded a FAQ video. This initiative aimed to directly respond to the community’s questions, showcasing our commitment to transparency and open communication.

yashica smm stats

By addressing the feedback and needs of our backers through personalized interactions, dynamic visual content, strategic promotions, and transparent communication, we were able to significantly enhance engagement and trust in the YASHICA Vision campaign. These efforts not only strengthened our relationship with current backers but also attracted new supporters, driving the overall success of our campaign.

Boosting Sales with Special Strategies

As our campaign approached its final days, we implemented several strategies to maximize sales and drive the campaign’s overall success.ย 

Pre-Valentine Offer Is Live

Who doesn’t like special promotions, especially around Valentine’s Day? We took advantage of this holiday by offering an SD Card reader at a significantly reduced price of $2, down from its standard $10 add-on price.

yashica special offer

To some, the $2 may seem insignificant. However, for our target audience, the SD Card reader was a practical and desirable accessory that provided additional value to their purchase. We also packaged this special offer in an attractively priced bundle.

This promotion quickly sold out, generating over $5k in additional revenue. The overwhelming response demonstrated the appeal of the bundled offer and highlighted the effectiveness of timely, holiday-themed promotions.ย 

Prices Will Go Up! Prices Are Going Up! Prices Are Up!ย 

As the campaign entered its final days, we leveraged urgency and scarcity to drive sales. We strategically announced that prices would soon go up.

By adding a “Prices will go up” banner on the page, we created a sense of scarcity and urgency, effectively drawing attention to the impending price hike for the YASHICA Vision. This strategic announcement enlightened our backers about the increase from $139 to $149, prompting them to act quickly to secure their purchase before the price change. By making this information prominent on our campaign page, we were able to tap into the fear of missing out, encouraging backers to finalize their pledges and contributions in a timely manner.ย 

This sense of urgency induced a marked increase in conversions, propelling our daily average raise from $14k to an impressive $24k and elevating the conversion rate from 4.2% to 7.2%. Notably, the announcement of the price increase for February 13, followed by a two-day extension for the lower price point, was instrumental in maximizing sales during this critical period.

Our strategic use of scarcity and urgency not only boosted immediate sales but also reinforced the value of our product, encouraging potential backers to act swiftly to secure their purchase at the current price before the increase. This approach proved highly effective in driving engagement and conversions, ensuring the success of the YASHICA Vision campaign.

Giveaway That Bring Sales

To increase campaign visibility and awareness, we initiated a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram aimed at boosting traffic and sales from our social media channels while also enhancing our organic search results.ย 

giveaway stats

The giveaway strategy successfully amplified our presence across social media platforms and drove significant organic traffic spikes.

The data in the following graph vividly illustrates the considerable spike in traffic on the day we posted the Giveaway on social media.

smm stats

It includes daily traffic from Facebook (in blue), organic traffic from Google (orange), and traffic from the YASHICA main website (pink). This outcome is a testament to the effectiveness of our strategy in generating organic traffic boosts. By leveraging our social media presence, we effectively drew attention to our campaign, resulting in heightened visibility and increased engagement from diverse sources. Consequently, the Giveaway not only amplified our brand’s online presence but also drove significant traffic, which played a crucial role in the overall success of our campaign.

Additionally, thanks to the strategy we used, the campaign ranked higher and started appearing as a recommended campaign on Kickstarter, which increased our conversion rate and brought many organic conversions from Kickstarter.

smm sales stats

By adopting this approach, we not only boosted our campaign’s visibility but also gained the attention of potential backers who were already exploring Kickstarter for promising projects. This strategic move significantly contributed to our success, driving both traffic and engagements, and ultimately elevating the YASHICA Vision campaign’s overall performance.


The YASHICA Vision campaign stands as a testament to the power of strategic marketing and community engagement. By meticulously addressing community inquiries, leveraging special promotions, creating a sense of urgency, and harnessing the potential of social media giveaways, we were able to surpass our goals and achieve remarkable success. Our tailored strategies not only generated significant revenue but also built a robust and enthusiastic community of backers who firmly believed in the YASHICA Vision project. This case study underscores the importance of adaptive and innovative marketing techniques in driving the success of crowdfunding campaigns. It showcases how a well-coordinated approach can significantly elevate a campaign’s performance, ensuring that it not only meets but exceeds its objectives.

Anna Voskanyan Copywriter

Anna Voskanyan

Anna is the Copy Team Lead at TCF and a content creator and manager with over 10 years of experience in a bunch of spheres.


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How TCF and YASHICA’s Strategic Partnership Rocketed Funding Over $1M for YASHICA’s First-ever Night Vision Device
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