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Kickstarter Advertising 101: Your Guide to a 7-figure Campaign


Kickstarter Advertising 101: Your Guide to a 7-figure Campaign

Imagine launching your dream project on Kickstarter, hitting refresh every few seconds, and watching the pledges roll in like a tidal wave of support. Sounds pretty great. But here’s the kicker (pun intended): that dream scenario doesn’t happen by accident. Behind every wildly successful Kickstarter campaign is a rock-solid advertising strategy.

Welcome to Kickstarter Advertising 101, your roadmap to turning that brilliant idea into a 7-figure reality. Whether you’re a seasoned creator or a crowdfunding newbie, this guide will arm you with the knowledge, strategies, and insider tips to make your Kickstarter campaign the talk of the internet.

So, buckle up, future crowdfunding superstar! We’re about to dive into the exciting world of Kickstarter advertising, where creativity meets strategy, and dreams become fully funded projects.

How are Kickstarter ads different from regular ecommerce ads?

If you think running ads for your Kickstarter campaign is just like selling shoes on Instagram, think again! Kickstarter advertising is a whole different ball game with its own unique set of rules, challenges, and opportunities. Let’s break down what makes Kickstarter ads stand out from the crowd:

  1. Selling a dream, not just a product: With Kickstarter ads, you’re not just hawking a finished product. You’re selling a vision, a future possibility, a chance to be part of something exciting. It’s like trying to convince someone to invest in a shoe factory that might produce the coolest kicks ever… in six months.
  2. Limited-time opportunity: Unlike regular ecommerce, where products are (usually) always available, Kickstarter campaigns have a ticking clock. Your ads must create a sense of urgency without sounding like a late-night infomercial. “Back now or forever, hold your FOMO!”
  3. Unique reward structure: Kickstarter’s tiered reward system adds another layer of complexity to your ads. You’re not just promoting a single product at a single price point but potentially multiple reward tiers with different perks.
  4. Building trust in innovation: Many Kickstarter projects introduce something new to the market. Your ads need to explain not only what your product does but also why it’s worth backing now, before it hits the mainstream.
  5. Educating about crowdfunding: Some of your audience might be new to Kickstarter. Your ads might need to explain how backing works, which is like teaching someone to swim while also convincing them to join your water polo team.
  6. Community building: Successful Kickstarter campaigns often create a sense of community among backers. Your ads should foster this feeling, making potential backers feel like they’re joining a movement, not just making a purchase.
  7. Storytelling is key: While all good advertising tells a story, it’s absolutely crucial in Kickstarter ads. You’re not just selling a product; you’re selling your journey, your passion, and your vision for the future.

At TCF, we’ve found that the key to successful Kickstarter advertising lies in deep audience understanding. We start by analyzing existing backer data from previous campaigns. We look at factors like which rewards were most popular, what messaging resonated best, and which channels drove the most conversions. This data helps us create detailed “backer personas” – fictional representations of ideal Kickstarter backers.

These personas go beyond basic demographics to include psychographics like values, priorities, and motivations for backing crowdfunding projects. This approach allows us to craft highly targeted ads that speak directly to the desires and pain points of potential backers, significantly increasing the effectiveness of our Kickstarter ad campaigns.

Remember, in the world of Kickstarter advertising, you’re not just a salesperson – you’re a storyteller, a teacher, and sometimes, a bit of a fortune teller. Embrace the challenge and let your creativity shine!

Best working advertising platforms for Kickstarter

Now that we’ve established how Kickstarter ads are the cool kids on the block let’s explore where these cool kids like to hang out. Spoiler alert: They’re not passing notes in class; they’re dominating digital platforms!

Meta Ads (Facebook, Instagram) for Kickstarter

If Kickstarter were a high school, Meta Ads would be the popular quarterback everyone wants to befriend. Here’s why:

  1. Laser-focused targeting: Meta’s targeting capabilities are like a heat-seeking missile for potential backers. You can zero in on interests, behaviors, and even create lookalike audiences based on your existing backers or email list.
  2. Visual storytelling: With options like carousel ads and video ads, you can showcase your product from every angle. It’s like giving your audience a virtual tour of your prototype.
  3. Retargeting magic: Did someone watch your video but not back your project? With retargeting, you can gently (or not so gently) remind them about your awesome campaign.
  4. Mobile-first approach: Most Kickstarter browsing happens on mobile, and Meta ads are designed to shine on small screens.
  5. Diverse ad formats: From short video ads to long-form content in Instant Articles, Meta platforms offer a variety of ways to tell your story and engage potential backers.

Pro tip: Use Facebook’s Campaign Budget Optimization to let the algorithm work its magic in finding the best-performing ad sets.

At TCF, we’ve had remarkable success with Meta ads for Kickstarter campaigns by leveraging advanced targeting strategies. One of our most effective approaches is using Lookalike Audiences. We start by creating a custom audience of previous campaign backers or highly engaged followers. Then, we use Facebook’s Lookalike feature to find new users with similar characteristics. This allows us to expand our reach while maintaining high relevance. We’ve seen this strategy increase click-through rates by up to 30% compared to broader targeting methods.

Additionally, we implement sophisticated retargeting campaigns. For instance, we might show different ads to users who viewed the campaign page but didn’t back the project versus those who started the backing process but didn’t complete it. This personalized approach has helped us increase conversion rates by up to 25% in some campaigns.

Google Ads for Kickstarter

If Meta is the popular kid, Google Ads is the smart, slightly nerdy friend who always knows the answer. Here’s why Google deserves a spot in your Kickstarter advertising strategy:

  1. Capture intent: People actively searching for products like yours are already halfway to becoming backers. Google Search ads let you catch them at the perfect moment.
  2. YouTube advertising: Showcase your product demo or behind-the-scenes footage to a highly engaged audience. It’s like having your own TV channel!
  3. Display network reach: Get your visuals in front of potential backers across millions of websites. It’s like plastering your poster all over the internet (but less annoying and more targeted).
  4. Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA): This fancy acronym means you can adjust your search ads for people who’ve already shown interest in your campaign. It’s like giving a special wink to someone who’s already checked you out.
  5. Performance Max campaigns: These AI-driven campaigns can help you reach potential backers across all of Google’s advertising channels, optimizing for the best performance.

Remember, Google Ads can be a bit more complex than Meta Ads, so don’t be afraid to start small and scale up as you learn the ropes.

At TCF, we’ve found that Google Ads can be a powerhouse for Kickstarter campaigns when used strategically. We leverage the platform’s intent-based targeting to capture potential backers actively searching for products similar to what our clients are offering. One unique approach we’ve developed is creating ad groups around different backer motivations.

For example, for a tech gadget campaign, we might have separate ad groups targeting early adopters, sustainability-focused consumers, and value seekers, each with tailored ad copy. We also make extensive use of ad extensions, particularly sitelink extensions, to highlight different reward tiers directly in the search results. This approach has helped us achieve click-through rates up to 25% higher than industry averages for some campaigns.

Other platforms

While Meta and Google are the prom king and queen of Kickstarter advertising, don’t ignore these other potential matchmakers:

  1. Reddit: The front page of the internet can be a goldmine for niche products. Just remember to be authentic and value-adding, or Redditors will see through your act faster than you can say “AMA”.
  2. Twitter: Great for real-time engagement and leveraging influencers in your space. It’s like hosting a 24/7 cocktail party for your campaign.
  3. LinkedIn: If your product is B2B or professional-oriented, LinkedIn ads can put you in front of decision-makers. It’s like sneaking your product pitch into a business conference.
  4. TikTok: For consumer products with a strong visual appeal, TikTok’s creative ad formats can help your campaign go viral. It’s like turning your product demo into a dance challenge!
  5. Pinterest: Ideal for visually-driven products, especially in categories like home decor, fashion, or DIY. It’s like creating a digital vision board for your future customers.

Remember, the key is to understand where your target audience hangs out online and meet them there with a message that resonates.

3 examples of well-converting Kickstarter ads from TCF

Actions speak louder than words. And with that in mind, here are three real-life examples of how our dedicated digital advertisement team contributed to the success of Kickstarter campaigns.

Beaverlab Excope DT1 – The World’s Lightest Super Telephoto Camera

Beaverlab Excope DT1

Advertising Strategy

  1. Audience Targeting:

TCF implemented Lookalike Audiences based on various sources, including:

  • Individuals who made reservations or submitted leads during the prelaunch campaign.
  • Users who engaged with our project in any capacity, such as website visits, Facebook page interactions, and Instagram page activity.
  • Audiences from previous campaign backers.

To refine these audiences and avoid overly broad targeting, TCF used detailed targeting with specific interests, which were identified through GA4 data analysis and insights from the dashboard.

The team also experimented with broad targeting strategies, segmenting audiences by specific age ranges to maximize reach and relevance.

  1. Content and Creative Strategy:
  • TCF ran a mix of image and video ads, with images significantly outperforming videos for this campaign.
  • The ad copy strategy was guided by a Creative Strategy Map (CSM), ensuring that all customer pain points were effectively addressed by our Unique Selling Propositions (USP).
  • The team incorporated PR quotes in our visual creatives to add credibility and value for potential backers.
  1. Campaign Platforms and Focus:
  • Advertisements were placed on Facebook, Instagram, and Google Search.
  • The Google Search campaign specifically targeted branded keywords and keywords related to the creator’s previous campaigns to capture interest from relevant searches.

Results and Key Performance Metrics

  • The campaign successfully acquired 4,891 backers, raising a total of $1,259,347, with $394,347 attributed directly to our ads.
  • During the prelaunch stage, TCF generated over 8,000 leads and secured more than 250 reservations.
  • Achieved a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 3.6.
  • Recorded over 1,300 conversions through advertising efforts.

Key Insights and Learnings

  • The use of Lookalike Audiences and detailed targeting allowed us to effectively reach a high-quality audience, contributing to the campaign’s success.
  • Image ads outperformed video ads, demonstrating the importance of testing and adapting creatives to optimize performance.
  • Implementing a structured Creative Strategy Map (CSM) ensured comprehensive coverage of customer pain points, enhancing ad relevance and engagement.

Haptique RS90: A True universal remote controller

Haptique RS90

Advertising Strategy

Lookalike Audiences: TCF created Lookalike Audiences based on the previous backers of similar or related Kickstarter projects to reach potential supporters more effectively.

Interest-Based Targeting: TCF tested various related interests on Meta to identify the best-performing demographics of backers. This information was then used for efficient scaling.

CSM Based Content: Our team conducted in-depth research by analyzing similar product reviews from multiple sources, including Amazon, competitor websites, and crowdfunding pages. Key pain points were identified, and we developed ad copy addressing these pain points based on the product’s features.

Scaling: After thoroughly analyzing ad performance and target audiences, we scaled the ads based on the best-converting locations, gender, age, and interest groups.

Retargeting with FOMO Content: During the final days of the campaign, we set up retargeting ads with “Last Days” and “Last Chance” messaging to create a sense of urgency.

Results and Key Performance Metrics

  • The campaign exceeded its funding goal by 7,326%, raising €668,395 from 1,922 backers.
  • Campaign ROAS was 4.24

Key Insights and Learnings

  • Lookalike Audiences can be created based on previous backers of similar projects in order to reach potential supporters more effectively.
  • Interest-Based Targeting is beneficial to identify the best performing demographics and optimize ad efficiency.
  • Conducting thorough research by analyzing similar product reviews from various sources can help to identify key pain points and develop more targeted ad content.
  • Retargeting with a sense of urgency towards the end of a campaign can help drive final conversions.

Rainy 75 Keyboard | Redefining $90-ish Mechanical Keyboards

Rainy 75 Keyboard

Advertising Strategy

Lookalike Audiences: TCF created Lookalike Audiences based on previous backers of similar computer and gaming products, ensuring the ads reach people who are most likely to be interested in our offer.

Retargeting: TCF focused on retargeting people who had already interacted with our content by showing them engaging materials such as customer reviews, compelling quotes, informative diagrams, and close-up visuals. We also highlighted “Last Chance” banners to create a sense of urgency.

Content Repurposing: We identified our buyer personas and started creating targeted visuals. This includes eye-catching graphics, such as a keyboard with a gradient color scheme, and banners featuring phrases like “Best Gaming Keyboard.”

Results and Key Performance Metrics

  • Achieved a 4.83x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Generated $104,891.00 in tracked revenue

Key Insights and Learnings

  • Retargeting is an effective strategy to re-engage individuals who previously interacted with your content. Using engaging materials such as customer reviews, compelling quotes, informative diagrams, and close-up visuals can effectively draw their attention.
  • Highlighting “last chance” banners can create a sense of urgency that can persuade potential customers to make a purchase.
  • Content repurposing, such as creating targeted visuals, can significantly improve the advertisement’s appeal to potential customers.
  • Using phrases like “Best Gaming Keyboard” on banners is an effective way to capture the attention of potential customers.

5 tips to run a successful Kickstarter advertising campaign

Ready to join the ranks of Kickstarter advertising legends? Here are five tips to supercharge your campaign:

Know thy audience (like, really know them)

  • Dive deep into who your ideal backers are. What keeps them up at night? What makes them click ‘back this project’ faster than you can say “early bird special”?
  • Use tools like Facebook Audience Insights or Google Analytics to gather data on your potential backers.
  • Create detailed buyer personas and tailor your ad content to speak directly to their desires and pain points.

Test, test, and test some more

  • A/B testing isn’t just for scientists in lab coats. It’s your secret weapon for ad optimization.
  • Test different ad formats (video vs. static images), copy lengths, calls-to-action, and even color schemes.
  • Start with small budgets and scale up what works. Remember, in the world of Kickstarter ads, data is your best friend (sorry, actual best friend).

Create a sense of urgency (without sounding like a used car salesman)

  • Highlight limited-time offers or early bird specials in your ads.
  • Use countdown timers in your ad copy or graphics to emphasize the campaign’s limited duration.
  • Showcase backer milestones – “Join 5,000 backers in bringing this project to life!”

Tell a story, not just features

  • Your product might have 99 features, but a story is the one that’ll make people care.
  • Use your ads to showcase the journey of your product – from idea to prototype to (hopefully) funded project.
  • Highlight the problem your product solves and the impact it can have on backers’ lives.

Retarget like a pro

  • Set up retargeting campaigns to re-engage people who’ve shown interest but haven’t backed yet.
  • Create different messages for different levels of engagement – someone who watched your entire video might need a different push than someone who just briefly visited your page.
  • Use email lists from previous campaigns or newsletter subscribers to create custom audiences on ad platforms.

At TCF, we’ve found that one of the most effective strategies for Kickstarter campaigns is leveraging retargeting audiences with laser focus. We go beyond simple website visitor retargeting. Instead, we create highly segmented audiences based on specific actions taken on the Kickstarter page.

For example, we might create separate retargeting groups for users who watched the campaign video, those who viewed specific reward tiers, and those who began the backing process but didn’t complete it. We then create tailored ad content for each of these segments, addressing their specific interests or potential hesitations. This hyper-personalized approach has helped us increase conversion rates by up to 40% in some campaigns.

Remember, successful Kickstarter advertising is a marathon, not a sprint (although with those time-limited campaigns, it might feel more like a frantic dash). Stay agile, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to get creative!


Congratulations! You’ve just completed your crash course in Kickstarter Advertising 101. Armed with these insights, tips, and examples, you’re now ready to create an advertising campaign that’ll make your Kickstarter project the talk of the crowdfunding town.

Remember, Kickstarter advertising is a unique beast – part crystal ball, part megaphone, and part persuasive essay. It’s about selling a vision, creating urgency, and building a community of backers who are as excited about your project as you are.

As you embark on your Kickstarter advertising journey, keep these key points in mind:

  • Understand how Kickstarter ads differ from traditional ecommerce ads
  • Leverage the power of platforms like Meta Ads and Google Ads
  • Learn from successful campaigns and their advertising strategies
  • Implement the five tips for running a killer Kickstarter ad campaign

Most importantly, don’t forget to infuse your campaign with the passion and excitement that drove you to create your project in the first place. That authenticity will shine through in your ads and resonate with potential backers.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Kickstarter advertising! Your 7-figure campaign awaits. And remember, in the wise words of a famous fictional ad man, “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.” Happy advertising, and may the crowdfunding odds be ever in your favor!

Ready to take your Kickstarter campaign to the next level? Don’t go it alone! At TCF, we’ve helped countless creators turn their dreams into fully-funded realities. Let’s chat about how we can make your campaign the next big Kickstarter success story. Get in touch today!

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Alice Ananian

Alice has over 8 years experience as a strong communicator and creative thinker. She enjoys helping crowdfunding companies refine their branding, deepen their values, and reach their intended audiences through language.


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Kickstarter Advertising 101: Your Guide to a 7-figure Campaign
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