How to Contact Indiegogo: A Guide to Getting in Touch

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How to Contact Indiegogo: A Guide to Getting in Touch


How to Contact Indiegogo: A Guide to Getting in Touch

Navigating a crowdfunding platform can sometimes feel like mapping a route through a dense jungle. With so many unique projects, innovative ideas, and the sheer volume of content, it’s no surprise that backers and creators alike may find themselves in need of assistance. We’re here to demystify the process and provide you with a clear path to contacting Indiegogo for all your campaign-related questions and inquiries.

Indiegogo Basic Refresher

Indiegogo stands as a pioneering platform in the world of crowdfunding. Since its inception, it has been a catalyst for bringing groundbreaking ideas to life across the globe. Whether it’s launching the newest tech gadget, supporting a cause, or backing a creative endeavor, Indiegogo provides a space for innovation.

Questions and issues can arise from various scenarios:

  • Backers may need to clarify details about a pledge or campaign logistics.
  • Campaign creators might require assistance with setting up their projects or understanding the platform’s features.
  • General inquiries about the platform’s policies and procedures also often surface.

Understanding where to turn for help is the first step in ensuring a seamless campaign experience. Let’s explore the multiple avenues that backers and creators can take to contact Indiegogo’s support team.

Who to Contact

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of how to make contact, it’s crucial to distinguish when you should be reaching out directly to Indiegogo or contacting a specific campaign creator. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Contact Indiegogo for General Inquiries: If your question pertains to Indiegogo’s operations, platform usage, or any other matter not specific to a particular campaign, it’s best to contact Indiegogo’s support team.
  • Reach Out to the Campaign Creator: For issues related to a specific campaign – such as product inquiries, shipping delays, or backer rewards – the campaign creator should be your first point of contact.

Identifying the right party can significantly expedite the resolution of your issue.

Contacting Indiegogo

Help Center

The Indiegogo Help Center is an excellent resource for FAQs and troubleshooting.

  • Visit the Indiegogo Help Center and browse through the extensive list of articles and guides.
  • Utilize the search functionality to hone in on topics that address your concerns.

The resource center aims to preemptively answer common questions, potentially resolving your issue without the need for direct contact.

Contact Form

When your inquiry necessitates personalized assistance, submitting a request via the Indiegogo Contact Form is the way to go.

  • Access the contact form directly from the support page and select the most relevant category for your question.
  • Craft a clear and concise message detailing your issue. Remember to include any relevant information, such as campaign ID numbers or transaction details.
  • Be mindful of the details you provide to streamline the support team’s ability to assist you effectively.

Social Media

For real-time updates and quick responses, social media serves as a secondary but equally valid contact channel.

  • Direct tweets or messages to Indiegogo’s official channels, particularly Twitter, where response times are usually quicker.
  • Tag the campaign creator or potentially active backers for a collective forum on specific campaign issues.

Remember to maintain a respectful tone in all your interactions. Social media can amplify experiences, both positive and negative, so tact is key when seeking assistance in a public space.

Contacting a Campaign Creator

If you’re a backer of a specific campaign and have questions or concerns, the campaign’s creator is your primary point of contact.

Through Their Campaign Page

  • Log into your Indiegogo account and visit the campaign page you’ve backed.
  • Look for the creator’s contact information within the campaign overview or updates sections.
  • Utilize any available email address, website, or social media handles provided by the creator.

Patience Is Key

Upon reaching out to the creator directly, exercise patience. Keep in mind that many creators are managing various aspects of the campaign, from production to communication, which can understandably delay their response.

Check Their Campaign Updates

Creators often post updates on campaign pages, which can serve as an information hub for all backers. Reviewing these updates can often provide clarity on anticipated timelines and other pertinent details.

Additional Tips

Response Times and Preferred Methods

Indiegogo typically responds to support form inquiries within a few business days, and campaign creators aim to address backers’ concerns as promptly as possible.

  • Email is usually the preferred method of communication for creators, but they may also engage through direct messaging on the platform or social media.
  • Be mindful of any specific instructions or communication preferences the creator may have included on their campaign page.

When All Else Fails

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, contact information may not be easily accessible, or a response may not be forthcoming. In these instances, consider the following:

  • Indiegogo Dispute Resolution: If you have a transaction-related issue and cannot reach the campaign creator, Indiegogo offers a dispute resolution process for eligible cases.
  • Community Forums: The power of the crowd can sometimes yield solutions. Engage with other backers on community platforms or forums to garner collective insights and potential next steps.
  • Report a Campaign: If a campaign seems to violate Indiegogo’s terms, you can report it through the platform for review by the support team.


Understanding the right channels for communication is pivotal in navigating the dynamic world of crowdfunding. Never hesitate to open a line of dialogue with Indiegogo or a campaign’s creator when questions or issues arise. An informed and communicative approach can enhance your experience and ensure that support is always at your fingertips.

That’s the Indiegogo experience – a dynamic, interactive platform where community and innovation converge. Remember, your involvement as a backer or creator is not just part of a transaction; it’s a connection to a wider ecosystem of ideas and collaboration. Enjoy the ride, and know that assistance is only a message away.

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Alice Ananian

Alice has over 8 years experience as a strong communicator and creative thinker. She enjoys helping crowdfunding companies refine their branding, deepen their values, and reach their intended audiences through language.


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